Before you leave on a trip, it is a good idea to check your oil again and change your oil filter. If the oil is black, you should replace it completely, otherwise a simple maintenance is sufficient. As a general rule, it is recommended to change a classic car's oil every 3,000 km (or every 3 months). This is considered good practice for classic cars as they show more wear and tear than modern cars, and changing the oil is crucial to keep the engine in good condition. For a more modern car, it is recommended to change your oil completely every 10,000 to 15,000 km.
Your engine requires a tremendous volume of clean oil to operate properly. If the oil filter is not changed periodically, the filter can become severely clogged, reducing the volume of oil passing through the filter and into your engine. Without this oil, your engine can suffer severe damage.
Check all of your fluids – the most important ones are engine oil, coolant and brake fluid. You may also want to check up on your power steering fluid (not all classic cars have this), transmission fluid and windshield wiper fluid.

Check and top up the engine oil
Below is a brief description of how best to proceed.
1. Let the engine warm up briefly and put the car on a stable surface.
2. Open the bonnet. Find the oil dipstick.
3. Pull the oil dipstick out of the engine and clean it with a cloth.
4. Markings indicate where the oil level should be in between.
5. Ideally, the oil level should be near the highest mark.
Caution: use the right oil for your car. Consult your car's handbook or our catalogue for the right oil. Or ask our sales staff.
6. Put a long funnel on the open filler cap. Add oil little by little until you reach the correct level. Always use the oil dipstick as a reference.
Caution: Do not pour the entire oil can into the reservoir at once. Add some oil in small amounts until you reach the desired oil level. Too much oil creates excess pressure in the engine.
7. Screw the filler cap back on, replace the oil dipstick and close the bonnet.
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