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Teil Nr 186.159

463/160501 186.159 ersatzteile

€ 22.05 Exklusive MwSt

€ 26.68Inklusive MwSt *

Auf Lager
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** Der Preis ist ein Richtwert, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, um Preis und Lieferzeit zu erfahren.

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463/160501 ersatzteile

Coolant plays a crucial role in maintaining the optimal operating temperature of an engine, protecting it from overheating and potential damage. Coolant All Season 5L is a high-quality coolant product designed to deliver exceptional performance and safeguard your engine's well-being. In this text, we will explore the specifications, benefits, and proper usage of Coolant All Season 5L. Specifications: Quantity: Coolant All Season 5L is available in a convenient 5-liter container, ensuring an ample supply for your vehicle's cooling system needs. Compatibility: This coolant is formulated to be compatible with various types of engines, including gasoline, diesel, and alternative fuel engines. Longevity: It offers extended service life, providing reliable protection for up to 5 years or 150,000 kilometers, whichever comes first. Freeze and Boil Protection: Coolant All Season 5L effectively guards against freezing in cold temperatures and prevents boiling in high-temperature conditions. Corrosion Resistance: It contains specially formulated additives that provide excellent corrosion protection, safeguarding your engine's vital components from damage. Benefits: Optimal Heat Transfer: Coolant All Season 5L possesses excellent heat transfer properties, ensuring efficient cooling and preventing overheating, even in demanding conditions. Engine Protection: By maintaining the ideal operating temperature, this coolant helps to extend the lifespan of your engine, reducing the risk of costly repairs or premature engine failure. Anti-Foaming Properties: It minimizes the formation of foam, allowing the coolant to flow smoothly through the system and maintain consistent performance. Water Pump Lubrication: Coolant All Season 5L contains lubricants that protect the water pump's bearings, enhancing its longevity and reducing the likelihood of pump failure. Reduced Maintenance: With its long service life, this coolant reduces the frequency of coolant changes, saving you time and money on maintenance.

Dieses Teil ist auch für die folgenden Oldtimer-Modelle erhältlich:

MGA 1955-1962Kühlmittel  
MGB 1962-1980Kühlmittel