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MGTC 1945-1949 - Motoröl | Webshop Anglo Parts

Oil is an essential part of the lubrication system of your MGTC. Motor oil has four different functions: lubricate, protect, cleanse and cool the engine of your MG TC. Change the oil of your MGTC every 3000-5000km, which is relatively short in comparison to your daily driver, due to the fact your MG TC leaks more from the piston and has a primitive fuel system. This means the oil gets contaminated a lot quicker in your MGTC.
Our advice: change the oil and oil filter in your MGTC at least once a year, preferably after the last rally of the season.
At Anglo Parts we only sell high-quality parts for your MG TC, our engine oils are well-known for their durability, correct lubrication and protection of your MGTC. We only sell oils we trust, such as Castrol classic oilPenrite which guarantee optimal performance for your MG TC.